Do this though, and today. You'll thank me.
Quick Beer Bread
3 cups flour
3 tbsp packed brown sugar
1 tbsp baking Powder
1 tsp salt
1 12 oz room temp beer
4 tbsp melted butter
Mix the dry ingredients. (Remember my grandma? Cooking isn't hard. Just follow the general rules. Mix the dry stuff first.)
Add beer and stir 20 times to combine. Not a lot. Just enough to moisten.
Rachael Ray Oven Lovin 9 X 5 Nonstick Loaf Pan (Google Affiliate Ad)
Put in a 9" buttered loaf pan.
Pour melted butter over the top.
Bake at 375 35-40 min.
Try not to burn yourself after it comes out. It really will still be good if you let it cool a bit.
If you can wait, and you can plan ahead, serve it with chili or stew. Or butter.
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