Having to bring a couple of dishes to a get together with friends, I chose firstly cream puffs with pastry cream. They are such a crowd pleaser. About ten years ago, the Italian's sweet cousin and her husband came to visit from Indiana. One of the recipes she shared was her cream puffs, what Sicilians call beignet. I'm probably spelling that wrong but honestly, it's a French word they've hijacked anyway. ;)
She whips up cream puffs in no time. I've made them a few times, but of course I'm going to try to find an easier way...so online I choose a recipe done in the cuisinart! Super easy. Love my kitchen robot. Well, they weren't even worth taking a picture of. We ate them. Flavor was good. Didn't puff hardly at all. Ugh. So with my need to use the leftover pastry cream from last night, I fall back to Enza's recipe. Grazie cara!!!
Sicilian Beignets
1 stick butter
1 cup water
1 cup flour
Pinch salt
Pinch sugar
4 eggs.
That's it. Crazy easy.

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Once all are in there you keep beating till it's elastic, another minute or so. See me pulling that spoon up? The dough will try to follow the spoon for an inch or two. No more than that, but that's just perfection. See how easy that was?

Poke a little hole in the side (or the top if you made eclairs) with a knife, turn off oven and return to oven another 10-20 min. They should crisp up and dry inside a bit.

Control yourself and don't eat them all before you fill them! Great with a salmon mousse, whipped cream, pastry cream... Just yum.
Pastry cream is next...and you'll be happy it is.
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