Cleaning those chickens took all of 3 minutes at the most, and they produced four plump breasts, four chicken leg quarters, four wings, necks, hearts, gizzards and a carcass with some gorgeous broth inside there I just had to get out.
First I tossed the organ meats in some almond flour with salt and pepper and quick sautéed them in butter and olive oil for a treat (and a vitamin boost). Then made some homemade barbecue sauce and threw the legs and wings in there for tomorrow. The breasts were marinated and grilled for lunch with mango salsa while I used the 'trash bits' to make liquid gold.
Homemade chicken broth from pastured chickens is nothing like purchased broth or even homemade broth from standard chickens. Standard store chickens produce enough foam when simmered to make the steeliest of stomachs queasy to look at it, and purchased broth is, well, blah. Broth is just too easy to make not to do homemade.
As I cut up the chickens I have my largest thickest bottom pot ready and toss in those carcasses, the wing tips, and necks. Add an onion cut in half (washing and leaving the skin will produce that beautiful golden color btw), a couple of carrots washed and broken in half, a tsp of peppercorns and a bay leaf or two. Bring to a boil on medium, skim off any tiny bit of foam, cover, and put on low. If steam is escaping them you need lower heat. If you're already on low, just move the pot over so part isn't on the heat. Adjust as needed so that when you check it, you just see a few bubbles. Not boiling. Leave it for 24 hours. Yep. 24. Your kids will be asking for homemade soups, dumplings, and more. Smells great.
When done, allow it all to cool. Then remove the carcasses into a dish, pour into a bowl through a sieve , and discard whatever's not meat.
Put the broth in some 1 or 2-qt plastic containers and freeze. Remove the meat from the carcasses and make salad, chicken soup, tacos, whatever. Use or freeze.
It's free, it's good for you (all that great natural collagen for your bones), and it's zero work. Can't beat that! Buy a whole chicken next time. And feast! Enjoy!
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